The complete history of Macedonia Baptist Church will never be told. The dream of an independent church called Macedonia where each member had the rights and privileges of serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ really began in the hearts and minds of our founding fathers of Macedonia as they worked in the fields, homes, and yards of their masters during slavery.
Mrs. Gwendolyn Littlejohn
Ms. Martha Felder
Deacon Hammie J. Brooks
Mrs. Miriam B. Kenner, Emeritus
Mrs. Mildred B. Ford (In Loving Memory)
Mrs. Gattie S. Thomas, Emeritus
The Reverend James Tolbert with faith and courage walked from Augusta, Georgia to Blackville, South Carolina and founded the Macedonia Baptist Church. The charter members gave him the honor of being the first pastor of this church, which was to be a haven for Christians to meet and worship in peace and solitude. Under his leadership, a building was erected. Reverend Tolbert served as pastor for twenty years. His interest, courage, and initiative as founder of this church shall always be revered in the pages of history.
This church was the first African-American Church in Barnwell County. It was founded in 1866, when Reverend Tolbert preached in Blackville under a brush arbor. The first sanctuary was built in 1868. The church held the first State Convention of black Baptists, which was held here in 1875. The second sanctuary was built in 1887. The present sanctuary was built in 1976. Macedonia Baptist Association which promoted the education of area blacks opened the Macedonia School, grades 1 through 12, on US Highway 78, known as Beaver Dam Road in Blackville, South Carolina in 1890. A new Macedonia school was built in 1954, on Jones Bridge Road, Blackville, South Carolina. Upon integration of the public schools in 1970 ; Blackville and Hilda merged, wherefore Macedonia became an elementary school. As a result of the merger we now have Macedonia Elementary School, Blackville-Hilda Junior High and Blackville- High School, which comprises district 19 of Barnwell County.
The Reverend B.M McCreary was the second pastor of this great church. He served for 17 years. The church continued to progress under his Christian leadership.
The Reverend Easler of Augusta, Georgia was the third pastor. Three years of his life were served here as pastor.
The Reverend H.B. Bush of Dunbarton, South Carolina was elected the fourth pastor of this great church. He served 38 continuous years as pastor. After 38 years he became feeble and the Reverend Ezekial Bush of Augusta, Georgia served as assistant pastor. During Reverend H.B. Bush's pastorate, the physical plant was improved and a new pulpit set was purchased. Many of the present members were baptized by him.
Reverend J. W. Williams of Denmark, South Carolina was elected as fifth pastor. Under his administration, additions to the physical plant were made, which included modernization of rest rooms and water facilities. The Missionary Society and Spiritual Choir were organized under Reverend Williams' leadership it was necessary to recognize all auxiliaries. As the church grew in membership it was necessary to reorganize all auxiliaries. These organizations are very vital to the spiritual and financial support of the church.

Macedonia is the mother of eight churches in 1867-1922 ; St. Peter of Elko, South Carolina, Frost Branch and Ebenezer of Walker Station, South Carolina, Tabernacle, Pilgrim Rest, Friendship and Sunshine Baptist Churches of Blackville, South Carolina and Central Baptist Church of Denmark, South Carolina. Under the five pastors who served, fifteen ministers were ordained and forty-five deacons. In 1948, the Reverend A.A. Bush of Willston, South Carolina was elected pastor. He served 18 years. From 1949 - 1953 the following achievements were made; new lights and electric fans were installed, a new floor was put in and shrubbery was planted. Added to decor was a new Hammond Organ at the cost of $2785.08, a new heating system, carpets, bulletin board, and communion service and furniture since 1953.
The organizations grew under Reverend Bush's leadership. The Usher Board along with president, Mrs. Mary Seabrooks tripled. The Sunday School grew to an average attendance of 75 each Sunday morning. Mrs. Margaret Graham was responsible for the first Junior Missionary, the leadership was carried on by Miss Isabell Washington. The Church clubs which were very vital to the church were; The Church Aid Club, Mrs. Ruby B. Bellinger, President; The Ever Ready Club, Mrs. Edith W. Minus, President; Mrs. Mattie H. Sims, President of the Spiritual Choir; Miss Isabell Washington, President of the Senior Choir. The Daily Vacation Bible School was organized in 1953 with Mrs. Mildred B. Ford serving as principal for three consecutive summers. During this time a Christian and United States of America flag were added to the church. Much of the repair work to the church had been given free by the members of the present trustee broad.
The church officers were Mrs. Anna Mae Faust, Secretary; Deacon Nathaniel Holman, Treasurer; Miss Marshall Johnson, Organist; Deacon Luther Augustus, Chairman of the Deacon Board; Mr. Ernest I. Washington, Superintendent of Sunday School; Mrs. Gaddie S. Thomas, Assistant Secretary of the church. An honorary position was held by Mrs. jamie Hicks, Mother of the Church. The Deacon Board included the following persons: Luther Augustus, Nathaniel Holman, Jerry Augustus, Lavant Hicks, and Isasc Minus. The Trustee Board included John Henry Johnson, Robert Minus, George Sanders, Gary Bellinger, Elijah Hutto, and Ernest I. Washington.
Many dedicated people have served long and religiously and faithfully. Some were Mrs. Sallie Wroton, Bro. Robert Johnson, Deacon C.H. Robinson, Reverend B.J. Reddish, Deacons Dave Nix, W.M. McCreary, who served for forty years, Sylvia Robinson also Deacon Jerry Augustus, Senior.
The new edifice was built in 1976, under Pastorate of the Reverend Aaron A. Bush. Deacons serving during this time were Luther Augustus, Chairman; Lavant Hicks, Hammie J. Brooks, Willie Felder Jr. , and Nathaniel Odom. Trustees were George Sanders, Chairman, Robert Minus, Ernest I. Washington, John H. Johnson, Gary Bellinger, Marvin Butler, Elijah Hutto, Cleveland Williams, Shelly Holman, and Frank Washington.
Meanwhile, Tabernacle graciously allowed us to worship at their church until the completion of our current building.